The process for patients traveling to Iceland 

Practical information

What are the next steps?

The initial consultation is done in person or over zoom. It is very helpful if patients can send their records including imaging results and operative reports (if applicable) beforehand. 

If surgery is recommended, this is booked by Dr. Einarsson. Once a surgical date is confirmed, the patient books flights to and from Iceland as well as accommodation. Hótel Ísland is conveniently located in the same building as the Reykjavík Center for Specialized Surgery (RCSS), so this is the recommended place for accommodation, but there are of course several other options in the Reykjavík area. It is generally recommended that patients stay in Iceland about one week after surgery. Patients can of course elect to arrive several days before surgery if they wish to use the trip to explore Iceland and there are several sightseeing options available as well as a wide variety of restaurant options in Reykjavik and surrounding areas. 

An anesthesiologist will contact the patient prior to surgery to go over logistics surrounding fasting and immediate preparations for surgery. On the day of surgery, the patient arrives to the RCSS at their designated time where they will meet with Dr. Einarsson to review the surgical plan in detail prior to proceeding to the operating room. After surgery, patients stay in the recovery room for 2-3 hours and are then transferred to the postoperative floor where they will stay for one day after surgery. This first night is included in the cost of the surgery. After this, the patient will check into the hotel for a week. Prior to leaving Iceland, patients will meet with Dr. Einarsson who will review in detail findings of the surgery, including photos that are routinely taken during surgery. Patients will get copies of these photos for future reference. If the pathology results are available, they will be shared with the patient at this appointment, but if not, they will be sent to the patient as soon as they are available. 

Payment for the consultation and for surgery needs to be done at least 14 days before the appointment/surgery. 

The Reykjavík Center for Specialized Surgery (Klíníkin in Icelandic) is a private hospital facility located centrally in Reykjavík, Iceland. It is about 5-minute drive from downtown and about 45 minutes from the international airport (KEF). The facility offers a variety of surgical services including orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, general surgery, bariatric surgery, colorectal surgery and gynecologic surgery. Conveniently, Hotel Island is in the same building, and many of our patients elect to stay there during their visit.  

Your responsibility

Make sure you are all set:

Klíníkin Ármúla

Hótel Ísland is located in the same building